Carry On, Warrior.
11/09/2017Dear YOU,
Here we go again.
Succumbing to emotions you thought
had long been buried when you embraced a new life in Him. I know you feel
frustrated that these matters of the heart are crawling once more, trying to consume
you, leaving you derailed, when in fact, you expected otherwise.
But then I tell you, it’s ok to
feel this way. It’s part of being human
and it’s part of what actually makes you, you.
And I’m pretty sure, God also
knows your emotions, because He, too, once walked this earth when He became
human. God surely understands your pain because He, too, felt this himself when
He was subjected to the Cross.
But let me remind you, how
fragile your heart may be at the moment, how naked your vulnerabilities are,
you have a heart full of love – one that never easily gives up.
When doubt starts to wrap around
your fragile heart, carry on, warrior. God always makes things happen for the
good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose.
When anxiety lingers in your thoughts,
carry on, warrior. Believe in His promise that whatever He wills, He does and
nothing can stop God from carrying out His plan in your life.
When every glimmer of hope begins
to fade, carry on warrior. The God who conquered death has also conquered your
battles and will forever fight for you. In the end, God is always victorious.
When every ounce of strength you
can muster has all been drained out, carry on, warrior. His strength is made
perfect in your weakness. It’s time to surrender your struggles and let Him carry
out the miracles He has been waiting to unleash.
I believe God didn’t allow you to
go through all the trials and challenges just to leave you broken and
exhausted. I believe God didn’t allow His miraculous work in your life if He
didn’t intend to provide you with nothing but the best. I believe that He loves
you so much to give you only what’s best for you. Indeed, His faithfulness
never fails.
Let this momentary affliction be
a revelation of God’s immeasurable affection for you.
Storms may not last, but I know,
you do. Just continue to carry on,
And everything will soon be
beautiful in His time.
Always praying for you,
You, only better
Show some love!