On Moving On and Trust


Sometimes, there are some luggages that we can’t afford to drop down immediately. More often than not, these are the remnants of a bad experience, probably the worst that we encountered. The question is, where do we move away from? Is it from the good one or the bad ones? It’s a fact that it’s often difficult to let go of something but based on experience, it’s far more difficult to mend yourself after experiencing all the hurt and the pain, most especially when the basic thing that you lose after all was also the basic thing that you should have to enter another- TRUST. I admit, I used to easily fall for guys who could sweep me off my feet. I used to easily fall for guys who can make me feel comfortable instantly and could make me laugh pretty hard. But after going through what seems to be the lowest point in my life, I started to have this fear of falling and that no matter how guys tried to sweep me off, no matter how they make me comfortable and make me laugh pretty hard, I build up walls around my heart instead. 

When it comes to getting over and moving on, it’s not usually the person that we moved away from but rather, it’s the effects of the experience. After a break-up, I don’t stay friends with my Xs so that I can totally forget them and move on. Frankly, I don’t recycle. 

If only trust can be manufactured in a canister of medicines, and be taken immediately to replenish what was lost, then relationships will be easy. But then life did not promise us rainbows and butterflies, and love would not be exciting and more fun if everything is just handed on a silver platter. 

Everything needs time and effort to make it worth it. 

Original post from my Tumblr page.

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  1. I love how honest you were with this post. I am the same way with exes - I see no point in keeping them lingering around. Moving on with your life means letting go of the past.


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