Quick Giveaway: 1k worth of GC from Crescens Skin Care + More!


It's the season of giving so I thought of making a quick giveaway for all of you! 

Just last week, I received my Saladbox and one of its contents is a P1,000.00 worth Gift Certificate from Crescens Skin Care and Spa. This will surely pave way to get ourselves pampered and prettified for the Christmas Season!

Since I can't avail its services because of my location, plus the validity is nearly approaching, I'm giving this away (plus surprise goodies!) to one of my lucky readers! But, this giveaway is open to Metro Manila and nearby cities only to make sure that the winner can also avail of its services!

Even the $5 Discount Coupon is included plus more surprises!

1. MANDATORY: Follow this blog and Shutter Cravings through GFC. (Google+, Twitter and Yahoo accounts can join!) 
2. Follow @misslitratista on Twitter.
3. Tweet this: "I want to win a P1,000 GC from Crescens Spa from @misslitratista. Join her giveaway at http://blog.misslitratista.com."
4. Leave the following in the comment section below:

GFC Name:
Twitter Name:
Twitter URL:
Contact Number:

This is just a quick giveaway and will end on December 11 at 12mn. Winner will be drawn randomly and announced through this blog and Twitter. Please make sure to reply as soon as possible so I can send it on December 11 as well.

Good luck and thanks for joining!

***Crescens Spa is not, in any way, sponsoring this giveaway. I am just giving away this GC I received from SaladBox.***

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  1. Name: Cherrisse Adlawan
    GFC Name: cherrisse
    Twitter Name: Che Adlawan
    Twitter URL: http://www.twitter.com/cherrisse
    Contact Number: 09177028991

    1. Hi Che! Thank you for joining and winning my giveaway. Will text you in a while. Hope you'll enjoy this one. :)


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