Many might have heard your stories, and I was one who got captivated while listening to them. How your life was a great divine manifestation, how you were transformed from who you were to who you are right now was nothing short of inspiring.
I didn't expect that such kind of captivation would lead to something else - something deeper, something more intoxicating that no other hard drinks I downed in the past can ever compare. You led me to discovering more about myself, while at the same time, teaching me more about a topic I never admit I truly knew nothing of- LOVE.
People often tease me for having high standards and the pressure was so resounding that I once held myself back from getting closer to you. You didn't even have a degree nor a stable job, but it was how you are living your life - your humility, simplicity and impeccable trust on God - that makes you definitely stood out above the rest. Your primary focus was on your ministry - God's ultimate mission for you - and never did I meet someone who has the same intense passion for bringing others to God as you are. It taught me to evaluate my standards - whether they're just for worldly gain or giving more glory to God - and it led me to consider what's eternal rather than what's ephemeral.
Months of getting closer to you and you keep on surprising me with so much more- your character, your faith-filled paradigm on different things, your prayerful disposition in the midst of challenges, your heart-melting surprises- slowly tore down the walls I built to safeguard my fragile heart. Hate to admit it, but you made me fall in love when I least expected it.
You came into my life when I wasn't even searching, when I thought I was already capable enough to live on my own. You allowed me to experience life in the most beautiful way I never thought possible - God-centered, spirit-filled, life-giving. You never cease to give me something wonderful to look forward to when I wake up every single day and our conversations were more than enough to be always thankful for as I close my day.
You made me believe in love again even if love's not just all rainbows and butterflies. You were always there in the midst of the storms, always lending me an ear and giving me a soothing embrace when I have so many things to whine about. Your wisdom was always like a breath of fresh air, bringing an open-minded take from different angles on situations, leading me to look closer on choices and deciding which can best benefit my soul.
Most importantly, the best lesson that came with this experience of loving you is learning to love without expecting anything in return that even if it ends up unrequited, loving someone can be possible until it hurts no more. That loving the most unlikely person in the most unlikely circumstances has been undeniably beautiful as it reflects Our Father's love for us.
I will always look for you in every person I meet, and in my future life partner with whom I will fulfill the mission you shared me with.
I will always be inspired with how you lived your life that I'll be more radical to take on the challenge of sharing the glory of your love to everyone I come across with -that wonderful redeeming love you swept me off with when you gave up your life for me. On the cross.
Thank you, Jesus, for making me fall in love when I least expected it and for allowing me to experience what true love is all about.
Jesus, I trust in You.
The one You gave up Your life for,
Chamee, a sinner but saved
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