Stronger and Better at 26



I just had one of the best moments of my life. 
Together with embracing a new age, I also welcomed a stronger and better version of me. 

Little Red Dress:
Black Pumps: People Are People
Accessories: SM Accessories
Watch: Timex c/o SM Accessories

It is an inevitable fact that each of us will go through trials in our lives. Big or small as they may seem to be, it's how we look at them that makes all the difference. Think of your problem as big and it will really come out big, but think of it as a small one, then it will come out small and will eventually go away. Also, it is how we face these trials that makes us who we are. We all have our choices - whether to succumbed to the perceived gravity of the problem and give up or to surrender to a Higher Power and keep on moving. Our choices define us so always choose the best option.

I choose to be stronger and better at 26. I choose to be happier in my own ways. I choose to surrender to my God who never gives up on me. I choose to be grateful for these trials because in them I learned the best lessons I will bring with me for the rest of my life. I choose to have a stronger faith in Him and believe in the law of attraction.

Little did I know that together with these trials come the blessings I never imagined I could ever have. I am thankful for the extraordinary opportunities this blog has given me and to my readers as well for supporting me even though I diverted away from my original blogging niche. I am thankful for my family who are always there for me through thick and thin, supporting me in all my endeavors. I am thankful for my blogger friends who never fail to put a smile on my face during the times that I felt like shedding tears. I am thankful for my friends who are willing to listen and offer help. I am thankful for YOU because it is through YOU that I was able to realize all the lessons I need to learn, even though I had to do it in the hard way. I am thankful for my God for giving me a lot of things to be grateful for in the midst of trials and for giving me trials which ended up as blessings in disguise. Indeed, life is full of amazing things to be thankful for. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

If there's one thing I learned at 25 that I'd like to share to all of you, it's going to be this: If you're life is going to revolve around someone, make sure that that someone is your own self. Take the choice to decide what's best for you. Make the best decisions for yourself. Decide now to be happy and to think positive and you'll be surprised to the the legendary things life will give you when you radiate positive thoughts and happiness.

What you focus on grows so instead of drowning yourself in negative things, take a look at the positive things you have and enjoy them. Be thankful for what you have instead of worrying on what you don't. Life is short so better seize every moment while you're at it.

As Barney Stinson says, "When I am sad, I stop being sad and become awesome instead." Let us all be awesome! 

And don't forget, keep calm and have faith! 

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  1. Happy Birthday! You have a wonderful attitude and I totally agree with Barney Stinson!

    p.s. gorgeous in the dress!

  2. I love this post! You have such amazing optimism about life. Gorgeous dress and gorgeous attitude! :)

  3. belated happy birthday! i will remember that quote from Barney Stinson! XD

  4. Hi there! I discovered your blog from, guess what, Nuffnang. How do you do it??? Amazing kaayo. By the way, I'm from Davao, too. I'm following your blog from now on. :-)

  5. Lovely dress! Yes, 26 is awesome! Haha :)

    If you have a moment, hope you can check out my site and leave your thoughts. Thank you!

  6. an alberto's pizza will solve the day, happy birthday ^_^

  7. Ah, what can I say? i'm speechless.. anyway, it is nice to meet you classmate, and good luck to both of us this coming Saturday.. Belated happy birthday Chamee.. Sky/Angelo


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