Hey 2015, Let's Be Awesome!


Just got off the phone talking to xXx about our personal goals for 2015. While his list was derived from thorough thinking, mine was just a rough one made out of impulsive, but still acceptable, ideas popping inside my head. I didn't know why I introduced the idea of goals for our #10list conversations, when I, for one, don't stick to them. But as they say, together with the new year comes a renewed optimism for accomplishing such things. I guess there's no harm in trying this time.

I've no plans of sharing these goals here in my blog because first, they're a bit personal and second, I'm just not comfortable sharing about it. LOL! But to kick off this year, I'll be sharing to you some thoughts I would really remind myself each day to make this year bolder and better, well at least, for me. 

I'd like to remind myself that I don't have to wait for another round of 365 days to change what I think needs to be changed the moment I discover it had to be changed. Every day is a new beginning and the same also holds true for every second, every minute, every hour that I'm alive and breathing. Light bulb moments do not take 365 days to be formulated, but only seconds, so why not make good use of the now, instead of waiting for next year to change. Now is the chance! Aja!

If there's one thing in the book, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, which really caught my attention, it's this quote. I'd like to believe that consistency can really bring you places so I guess this quote is pretty self- explanatory and inspiring enough to live by.

In the past years, I have always been struggling with my intense desire for control. I've been stubborn and obsessive-compulsive enough to always want things done my way. But when previous circumstances taught me that it's better to let things unfold on their own, I learned to let go of things and in return, I found peace and serenity. Chooos! And as they say, God always gives the best to those who leave the choice to Him. Be still, know that He is God and let God be the God in your life. 

Feeling lonely? Feeling depressed? Feeling burned out? Then, I just have to remind myself that there's someone up there whose love endures forever.

Do I need to say more? I'm a firm believer of the idea that what you give back comes back to you. There's no need to elaborate more about my experiences nor the experiences of others because what I've seen and experienced throughout my existence were already enough for me to hold on to this belief. Actually, one of my goals for 2015 is to avoid doing something that I would feel guilty of and that I would later on regret because surely, it will haunt you for the rest of your life. Peace of mind is not that always easy to attain so I'll make sure to always be good, to do good, to treat other people well so that life will also treat me well, or even better. 

All of these things will be nothing without the presence of a faithful God in my life whose love always endures forever. Cheers to more memories! Let's be awesome, 2015!

And don't forget, love love love!

Photos found online through Google Search Engine. Credits to the owners. 

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  1. Great Words!!! Congrats for allowing yourself to reach the state of self-realization and of acceptance. Its rare to find though. It's really AWESOME!!!..

  2. "The only constant in this world is change" - Heraclitus, Ancient Greek Philosopher

    3 Words to say about this blog "An Ethos, Pathos and Logos"

    1. Welcome. Im your IG and Twitter follower too. gonna try those foodies @shuttercravings

  3. been following you on IG, thought you were using a wordpress platform. Good to know there's a google platform. Happy 2015! -kathero32

    1. Hi Kat! glad to see you here! Thanks for dropping by! :)


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